durationInMinutes = Max call duration in minutes
type = Video (fixed for now)
startDate = The time to start the conversation in unix timestamp format and the start time
in milliseconds (not seconds) and should be sent according to the UTC timezone value
username = [Username]
password = [Password]
lang = en, tr
Örnek Cevap:
"uuid": "444f4061-3494-4e60-a552-c4316ac6702d",
"guestUrl": "https://webrtc.gurulize.com/?rop=GFPyacAAOrPc&urp=gN-mYTXkrV7pVPMr_jUfqSE4gBmZzEKi2MI1cOfnUxtFr4S-YacER5lkFG2dkFIU%22
Kullanıcı tarafından yönlendirilecek bir adrese:
Örnek Payload:
"code": "JOIN",
"eventSource": "GUEST",
"receivedTime": "1600938359259",
"reason": "",
"roomUuid": "444f4061-3494-4e60-a552-c4316ac6702d",
"meetingTotalDuration": "0"
code: Event codes
JOIN: Occurs when the person entering the room says join the conversation
ROOM_ACTIVATED: It is produced only once when two people start to meet.
MEETING_STARTED: Occurs every time a conversation starts in the room
(including breaks and returns)
LEFT: Occurs when one party leaves the room (including ruptures)
MEETING_ENDED: Occurs every time the call ends (including breaks)
eventSource: Indicates by whom the event occurred
HOST: At all events
GUEST: At all events
SERVER: This is set at the end of time only in rooms created as endHow = AUTOMATIC and
comes with the MEETING_ENDED event.
receivedTime: The timestamp value in utc and milliseconds of the moment the event occurred.
roomUuid: Is the unique id of the conversation room , the same as the uuid value
returned from the create room method.
reason: Only comes in the MEETING_ENDED event
HANGUP: When the call is ended with the end call button
END_MEETING: endHow = When the host says end the call in rooms with BY_HOST
END_MEETING_FORCED: endHow = Set at the end of time in rooms created as AUTOMATIC
meetingTotalDuration: returns the total service time in milliseconds that has passed so far
in this room in MEETING_ENDED events