What Are the Types of Campaigns?

What Are the Types of Campaigns?

You can create campaigns on your platform that your users can benefit from. To learn how to create a campaign, please refer to the 'How Can I Create a Campaign' article.

There are different types of campaigns you can choose from when creating one:

  • Gift Credits to New Members: Each new user receives a one-time gift of a specified amount of credit.
  • Gift Credits to New Members with Facebook Login: Each new user receives a one-time gift of a specified amount of credit, applicable to users who grant access to their email address via Facebook API.
  • General Credit Packages Discount Campaign: A campaign that applies a certain percentage discount to all credit packages on the system.
  • Package Based Credit Packages Discount Campaign: A campaign that applies a certain percentage or fixed discount to selected credit packages.
  • Gift Credit On Email Verification: This applies to users who have not previously confirmed their email and are confirming their email for the first time. If this campaign is active, there is no need to offer the 'Gift for Facebook Signup' separately. Users who sign up with Facebook and share their email will already be considered email-confirmed and will be eligible for this campaign.
  • Gift Credit On Email Verification (According To Signup Time): This applies to users who have not previously confirmed their email, are confirming their email for the first time, and joined at a certain point in the past. As with the previous type, users who sign up with Facebook and share their email will be considered confirmed and eligible for this campaign.
  • Gift Credit On Phone Verification: This applies to users who have not previously verified their phone number and are verifying their phone for the first time.
  • Gift Credit On Phone Verification (According To Signup Time): This applies to users who have not previously verified their phone number, are verifying their phone for the first time, and joined at a certain point in the past.
  • Gift Credit To New Members with Google Login: Each new user receives a one-time gift of a specified amount of credit, applicable to users who grant access to their email address via Google API.
  • Referral Program Coupon: Your members can earn free credit or discounts when they invite their friends to the platform, as part of the campaign.

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