Gurulize Video API Documentation

Gurulize Video API Documentation

In addition to using all the services offered by Gurulize, you can also integrate the Gurulize Video API feature into your existing application if you wish.

Method: Get


durationInMinutes = Max call duration in minutes
type = Video (fixed for now)
startDate = The time to start the conversation in unix timestamp format and the start time
in milliseconds (not seconds) and should be sent according to the UTC timezone value
username = [Username]
password = [Password]
lang = en, tr

Sample Request:

Sample Response:


   "uuid": "444f4061-3494-4e60-a552-c4316ac6702d",

   "hostUrl": ",

   "guestUrl": "


Recall Method:

To an address to be directed by the user:



Sample Payload:


   "code": "JOIN",

   "eventSource": "GUEST",

   "receivedTime": "1600938359259",

   "reason": "",

   "roomUuid": "444f4061-3494-4e60-a552-c4316ac6702d",

   "meetingTotalDuration": "0"


  1. All parameters except Reason and MeetingTotalDuration are returned at all times; these two parameters are included in the response only for specific codes.
code: Event codes
JOIN: Occurs when the person entering the room says join the conversation
ROOM_ACTIVATED: It is produced only once when two people start to meet.
MEETING_STARTED: Occurs every time a conversation starts in the room
(including breaks and returns)
LEFT: Occurs when one party leaves the room (including ruptures)
MEETING_ENDED: Occurs every time the call ends (including breaks)
eventSource: Indicates by whom the event occurred
HOST: At all events
GUEST: At all events
SERVER: This is set at the end of time only in rooms created as endHow = AUTOMATIC and
comes with the MEETING_ENDED event.
receivedTime: The timestamp value in utc and milliseconds of the moment the event occurred.
roomUuid: Is the unique id of the conversation room , the same as the uuid value
returned from the create room method.
reason: Only comes in the MEETING_ENDED event
HANGUP: When the call is ended with the end call button
END_MEETING: endHow = When the host says end the call in rooms with BY_HOST
END_MEETING_FORCED: endHow = Set at the end of time in rooms created as AUTOMATIC
meetingTotalDuration: returns the total service time in milliseconds that has passed so far
in this room in MEETING_ENDED events
  1. It is a cumulative value, meaning it doesn't return the value of that moment for each start and end, but returns the total by adding up each time.
  2. This duration is different from the time between the first entry and the last exit of the meeting.
  3. MEETING_START and MEETING_END events can occur multiple times for a room (with intervals and interruptions).

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