Google Authentication

Google Authentication

1. Login to with your Google Account and click on “View all products” 2. Click “Select a project” 3. Click “New Project” 4. Enter a name and “CREATE” 5. Select your created project 6. Go to “APIs&Services -> OAuth consent screen” 7. Choose External -> Create 8. Enter app name and support mail 9. Add your domain -> email -> save and continue 10. Go to Credentials and click “Create Credentials” 11. Select “Oauth Client ID” 12. Select Type “Web Application” 13. Enter the details as follows, be careful with the “Authorized redirect URLs” setting, you need to append “/glogin” at the end of your domain address. 14. You need to enter “Client ID” and “Client Secret” under Gurulize Admin/Settings/SignUp Options/Google SignUp Options 15. Do not forgot to “save” and “apply changes” and test your login.