Google Analytics Setup Guide

Google Analytics Setup Guide

  1. Go to the address and sign in with your Gmail account.
  2. After logging in to the Analytics page, click on the "Start Measuring" button.

3. Create an account name on the Account Details page and click the “Forward” button.

4. Choose a name for the "property," which will be located under the created account, i.e., the website. Select the time zone and currency, then click the “Next” button.

5. Enter your business and service industry information and click the “Next” button.

6. Choose your business goals and click the 'Create' button."

7. Click the GDPR box on the opened page and click “I Agree”.

8. Select the 'Web' option to enter platform information.

9. Enter your platform information to the opened window and click the “Create Flow” button.

10. Select the option 'Install manually' from the installation instructions window.

11. Click the copy icon located in the 'Manual Install' option to copy the JavaScript code manually.

12. Copy the JavaScript code, then go to the Admin Panel of your platform and navigate to Content/Settings/External Service Settings/General Javascript head section. Paste the code there. Finally, click on the 'Save' and 'Apply Changes' buttons to save the changes.

13. Go back to the Google Analytics page and click on the 'Start Collecting Data' section, then click on the 'Forward' button.

14. Congratulations! You have successfully added Google Analytics to your platform. You can observe the collected data by clicking on the 'Go to Homepage' button."